Critical Thinking Questions for your Boyfriend

Critical Thinking Questions for your Boyfriend

There’s no denying that romantic relationships thrive on good communication. So what better way to communicate with your partner than with some critical thinking questions to gauge their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about love and your relationship? 

Critical thinking questions encompass several areas that encourage objective analysis to form a judgment. Having the ability to think critically in a relationship fosters positive problem solving and effective communication – skills that are vital for lasting, healthy relationships.

The questions in this article also serve another purpose: helping you get to the heart of your partner’s values, beliefs, and attitudes – the key aspects that will help you determine whether it is a relationship worth pursuing. 

Critical thinking skills include: 

  • Objective analysis
  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Open-mindedness

Read on to learn about some of the best critical thinking questions for your boyfriend or partner.

Question 1

What does a healthy relationship look like? What should it provide for each party?

Question 2

What is one thing your parents did that you plan on doing with your own children?

This question is important because it gauges your partner’s views on parenting and helps them think about what is important to carry on to the next generation.

Question 3

What is one thing your parents did that you plan to never do with your own children?

This question helps understand what your partner views as negative in his or her upbringing, and how they plan on doing better for their own children.

Question 4

Do you believe in life after death and/or a supreme Creator? Why or why not?

This question helps determine your partner’s views on faith and religion.

Question 5

What is something you’re glad you’ll never have to do – or experience – again?

This question serves as a measuring stick to know what experiences your partner finds unpleasant, burdensome, or downright awful so you can avoid such things in the future.

For example, if your boyfriend says he’s glad he’ll never have to live in a small town again, you’ll know he wouldn’t be happy relocating to a rural town.

Question 6

What would you do if you suddenly won a million dollars?

While this question may seem silly or even unnecessary on the surface, it serves a very practical purpose. By asking this question, you’ll understand your boyfriend’s priorities, values, and dreams – everything he’d do if he suddenly had the money to do so.

Question 7

If your life expectancy suddenly jumped to 1,000 years, how would you spend the rest of your life? Would you change the way you live?

Question 8

In your life, what is something that happened that initially was horrible, but turned out to be a blessing in the long run?

Perspective is an important facet of maturity, and this question helps you know well your boyfriend can put things in perspective.

Question 9

What do you admire most about your parents?

This question helps your boyfriend look back on his upbringing and appreciate something about how his parents raised him.

Question 10

What do you look forward to about being a parent? If you’re already a parent, what’s one thing you look forward to doing with your child/children?

The question of whether or not to have children is often a dealbreaker in a relationship if two partners aren’t on the same page. Also knowing what your boyfriend looks forward to in being a parent provides a glimpse into what he values most about parenthood.

Question 11

Is any act truly unforgivable?

The answer to this question may be more about what your boyfriend considers a relationship-ending offense, but it also gives him the opportunity to speak about his ideas of justice and redemption. His answer may also reflect his religious beliefs.

Question 12

If you could choose one thing in your life to do over, what would it be and why?

Question 13

Who, living or dead, do you consider an inspiration or role model? Why?

Question 14

Do you believe things happen for a reason?

Question 15

What behavior is completely intolerable for you?

It’s important to know what your boyfriend considers boundary-breaking behavior by friends or loved ones, especially if your own views differ. Definitely something to discuss to avoid arguments or misunderstandings in the future!

Question 16

If you could go back in time and give advice to your younger self, what year would you visit and what would you say?

This is another question about perspective.

Question 17

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?

The second part of this question is often asked by marriage counselors, and it helps partners communicate differences in an effective way.

Question 18

Do you tend to make decisions from your heart or your head?

Logic or emotion-based decision making can tell a lot about someone’s personality.

Question 19

What never ends well?

Question 20

If you could describe our relationship using just one word, what would that word be?

Throughout the course of a relationship, it’s vital to know your partner’s views about how your relationship is progressing.

Question 21

If you found out you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend your last day on earth?

This question serves to gauge your boyfriend’s priorities.

Question 22

What’s your favorite way to receive love or affection?

People have different love languages, the five major ones being words of affirmation, gifts, physical touch, acts of service, and quality time. Take the 5 Love Languages Quiz to know for sure how each of you best receive love.

Question 23

How do you think household chores should be divided?

Differences regarding the division of labor are one of the leading causes of discord in relationships. Having an understanding early in a relationship helps avoid misunderstandings and fights later on.

Question 24

What’s something about you that you would never change for anyone else, including me?

Knowing what your boyfriend considers uncompromisable is important.



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